Maybe they went after the last few creatures but the concept that Kate was looking to find another group of Sasquatch is kind of ridiculous. To me the most realistic is that Kate and Pal died. Were the creatures actually smart or where they at the level of chimpanzees and/or gorillas? From all the back story exposition and interviews it appeared like they were basically huge apes but then they showed adaptability with the rocks and the way they navigated the village.

The rest appears like quick deaths or deaths whilst fighting. He’s possibly the only one who actually suffered or felt any horror in his demise. I can only imagine how horrible and frightening the experience and his last moments would have been. I appears the captured him and took him back to the lair and killed him so that the others could hear. How did the creatures murder Vincent? It appears they kept him alive. He didn’t take it out because he must have thought he still had a slight chance to maintain a connection with Yvette but once behind closed doors where she lost it and he lost it it was over. What was in the backpack? Did he get attacked or just thwarted by the lahar mudslide? What was in the pack and why didn’t he take it out of the car? My theory is that he tried to escape, either found the backpack or it was his own, didn’t make it because he realised it was futile and then was broken. There are certain aspects I’d really like to discuss though, so if anyone else has read the book and wants to discuss that would be great. I found it well written and the concept was really interesting. I loved World War Z but hadn’t got around to reading this until now. I just finished this book and really enjoyed it.